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J2 DallasCon 2016 Gold Panel на англ
This morning Jared jogged a couple miles to Walgreens to buy Prilosec. Had to call an Uber to get back to hotel. Jensen: Make something up! Not like you got butt cream…
Jared: “So I’m Ubering back to the hotel all swarthy with butt cream.”
Gen’s response to Jared calling an Uber: Uh-huh, let me talk to Jensen.
Jared was all sassy when a fan said that the boys are getting on in age lol.
Jensen: I love that even new crew still refer to us as the boys.
Jensen talks about the EW cover shoot on Baby’s hood, said they kept sliding off of the waxed hood. Jensen hooked his belt on the windshield wiper to hold on.
Their backs hurt days later from some of the poses they did in order to stay on the hood as well as the other pics.
J2 improvised the EW pie picture with Mark and Misha. At first Jensen was just going to be serving the pie and they were like, that’s not what we would be doing.
Jared loves watching the gag reels, they make him laugh, watches them to cheer up sometimes. He finds them funny because it’s their lives. He sees the gag reels more than he watches the show he thinks. The boys think the gag reels should be longer.
Jensen talks about how they basically get the gag reel done within the first two episodes lol so you can imagine how much footage they actually have. The camera guys are quick on the trigger. As soon as he and Jared are “doing something stupid” on the camera, their focus puller immediately hits record. Jared: Some of the stuff would probably land us in prison. Jensen: It should. Sometimes Jensen will see them shooting something for the gag reel and he’ll be like, were you shooting that??
Jensen says he and Jared use the slate clap as a “starter’s pistol” to turn into Sam and Dean. Jared: I can’t act without the slappy thing! LOL Jensen: It was slategate. Re: them trying to use a digital/electronic slate vs the real thing and how it didn’t work out so well lol. They don’t use it anymore.
Jensen: The brothers are an inspiration to everyone fighting their demons. Talks about finding what inspires you.
When and if the show comes to an end they will certainly be having a conversation about doing a movie.
They talk about their goal about getting to at least 300 episodes. When Jared talked about the 300 ep goal in their Entertainment Weekly interview, they got an email from the higher ups saying, don’t say the show is gonna end that early! Jensen was like, we were only talking about the next milestone not that that was the end point! On to 350 lol! It was nice to hear the higher ups say that, though.
As long as Sam and Dean have stories to tell, it will continue. Jared: Supernatural will never die. I think we need a Sam and Dean movie every five years :P
Favorite cake? Jared: Beef cake!
Jared loves red velvet cake (it was his wedding cake). Jensen: Which is just white cake with red food coloring in it. Crowd reacts, Jared gently hits Jensen in the shoulder with the mic in protest. Fan: Stop being a hater. Jensen: I’m not being a hater! I love red velvet cake but it’s just dolled up white cake! …My wife’s gonna hit me when I get home.
Jared talks about doing the stunt with him jumping into the backseat of Bobby’s car in 3x01 and how he hit his head on the car a few times, not realizing he was hurting himself. Later a chunk of scalp and hair came off of his head from where he had hit it. Props actually saved it so they could use it later in the show!
Fan asks what is the weirdest text message they’ve ever sent to each other? J2: No way can we tell you that. Jared: There was one yesterday *laughter* Jensen: Oh, you wouldn’t be disappointed. Sometimes we are still boys.
Jared: There have been some doozies.
Jensen talks about their running joke about how if any conversation of theirs or with Misha was recorded they would lose their jobs, their families, their friends, and probably go to prison lol.
Jared tells a story about Jensen texting him: The rest of my tooth fell out. Talks about how the previous day Jensen was like, I’m tired, slap me. So Jared did, without thinking, and accidentally knocked part of his tooth out! It’s part of their “fight club” moment (in relation to a story they’ve told before about wrestling in the hotel room a few years back x).
Fan asks about accents, Jensen says that if he hears something he can imitate it fairly quickly. He has to be around it, i.e. mimicking Ruth’s accent. Jensen says that his wife on that other hand is terrible at accents.
The boys do a whole bit about Jared asking Danneel to do different accents and Jensen pretending to be Danneel doing bad accents lol.
This morning Jared jogged a couple miles to Walgreens to buy Prilosec. Had to call an Uber to get back to hotel. Jensen: Make something up! Not like you got butt cream…
Jared: “So I’m Ubering back to the hotel all swarthy with butt cream.”
Gen’s response to Jared calling an Uber: Uh-huh, let me talk to Jensen.
Jared was all sassy when a fan said that the boys are getting on in age lol.
Jensen: I love that even new crew still refer to us as the boys.
Jensen talks about the EW cover shoot on Baby’s hood, said they kept sliding off of the waxed hood. Jensen hooked his belt on the windshield wiper to hold on.
Their backs hurt days later from some of the poses they did in order to stay on the hood as well as the other pics.
J2 improvised the EW pie picture with Mark and Misha. At first Jensen was just going to be serving the pie and they were like, that’s not what we would be doing.
Jared loves watching the gag reels, they make him laugh, watches them to cheer up sometimes. He finds them funny because it’s their lives. He sees the gag reels more than he watches the show he thinks. The boys think the gag reels should be longer.
Jensen talks about how they basically get the gag reel done within the first two episodes lol so you can imagine how much footage they actually have. The camera guys are quick on the trigger. As soon as he and Jared are “doing something stupid” on the camera, their focus puller immediately hits record. Jared: Some of the stuff would probably land us in prison. Jensen: It should. Sometimes Jensen will see them shooting something for the gag reel and he’ll be like, were you shooting that??
Jensen says he and Jared use the slate clap as a “starter’s pistol” to turn into Sam and Dean. Jared: I can’t act without the slappy thing! LOL Jensen: It was slategate. Re: them trying to use a digital/electronic slate vs the real thing and how it didn’t work out so well lol. They don’t use it anymore.
Jensen: The brothers are an inspiration to everyone fighting their demons. Talks about finding what inspires you.
When and if the show comes to an end they will certainly be having a conversation about doing a movie.
They talk about their goal about getting to at least 300 episodes. When Jared talked about the 300 ep goal in their Entertainment Weekly interview, they got an email from the higher ups saying, don’t say the show is gonna end that early! Jensen was like, we were only talking about the next milestone not that that was the end point! On to 350 lol! It was nice to hear the higher ups say that, though.
As long as Sam and Dean have stories to tell, it will continue. Jared: Supernatural will never die. I think we need a Sam and Dean movie every five years :P
Favorite cake? Jared: Beef cake!
Jared loves red velvet cake (it was his wedding cake). Jensen: Which is just white cake with red food coloring in it. Crowd reacts, Jared gently hits Jensen in the shoulder with the mic in protest. Fan: Stop being a hater. Jensen: I’m not being a hater! I love red velvet cake but it’s just dolled up white cake! …My wife’s gonna hit me when I get home.
Jared talks about doing the stunt with him jumping into the backseat of Bobby’s car in 3x01 and how he hit his head on the car a few times, not realizing he was hurting himself. Later a chunk of scalp and hair came off of his head from where he had hit it. Props actually saved it so they could use it later in the show!
Fan asks what is the weirdest text message they’ve ever sent to each other? J2: No way can we tell you that. Jared: There was one yesterday *laughter* Jensen: Oh, you wouldn’t be disappointed. Sometimes we are still boys.
Jared: There have been some doozies.
Jensen talks about their running joke about how if any conversation of theirs or with Misha was recorded they would lose their jobs, their families, their friends, and probably go to prison lol.
Jared tells a story about Jensen texting him: The rest of my tooth fell out. Talks about how the previous day Jensen was like, I’m tired, slap me. So Jared did, without thinking, and accidentally knocked part of his tooth out! It’s part of their “fight club” moment (in relation to a story they’ve told before about wrestling in the hotel room a few years back x).
Fan asks about accents, Jensen says that if he hears something he can imitate it fairly quickly. He has to be around it, i.e. mimicking Ruth’s accent. Jensen says that his wife on that other hand is terrible at accents.
The boys do a whole bit about Jared asking Danneel to do different accents and Jensen pretending to be Danneel doing bad accents lol.