
есть сердце - ешь камни(с) прекратите иметь мнение, когда вы ничего не знаете(с) я пошёл за ружьём(с)
nicolemadelineales:I keep having these days where i have things to work on, but I just can’t seem to concentrate on them, and then end up doing other stuff. Like random fanart. Or learning the Cup song…which I totally did in 30 mins. So here’s finally some work on my supernatural (”Family Runs deeper than Blood) print that I had that really bad noodle (in the background) of and never finished for like the last 6 months. I’m gonna thank Hillywood Show for inspiring me to finish this with an awesome theme song suck in my head. #supernaturalparody #thanksforthat*

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29.02.2024 в 12:07

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