есть сердце - ешь камни(с) прекратите иметь мнение, когда вы ничего не знаете(с) я пошёл за ружьём(с)
01.02.2015 в 20:52
Пишет Mila_Vish:Гоу!
URL записи
Результаты на данный момент:
Sam and Dean (SPN) (51.0%, 648 Votes)
Damon and Alaric (TVD) (18.0%, 234 Votes)
Damon and Stefan (TVD) (12.0%, 149 Votes)
Oliver and Diggle (Arrow) (9.0%, 115 Votes)
Barry and Joe (The Flash) (3.0%, 33 Votes)
Jasper and Monty (The 100) (1.0%, 19 Votes)
Oliver and Roy (Arrow) (1.0%, 19 Votes)
Damon and Enzo (TVD) (1.0%, 18 Votes)
Francis and Bash (Reign) (1.0%, 18 Votes)
Wade and Lavon (Hart of Dixie) (1.0%, 14 Votes)
Vincent and J.T. (BATB) (1.0%, 7 Votes)
Matt and Jeremy (TVD) (0.0%, 4 Votes)
Tyler and Matt (TVD) (0.0%, 3 Votes)
URL записи01.02.2015 в 02:15
Пишет Valerkind:URL записи
Результаты на данный момент:
Sam and Dean (SPN) (51.0%, 648 Votes)
Damon and Alaric (TVD) (18.0%, 234 Votes)
Damon and Stefan (TVD) (12.0%, 149 Votes)
Oliver and Diggle (Arrow) (9.0%, 115 Votes)
Barry and Joe (The Flash) (3.0%, 33 Votes)
Jasper and Monty (The 100) (1.0%, 19 Votes)
Oliver and Roy (Arrow) (1.0%, 19 Votes)
Damon and Enzo (TVD) (1.0%, 18 Votes)
Francis and Bash (Reign) (1.0%, 18 Votes)
Wade and Lavon (Hart of Dixie) (1.0%, 14 Votes)
Vincent and J.T. (BATB) (1.0%, 7 Votes)
Matt and Jeremy (TVD) (0.0%, 4 Votes)
Tyler and Matt (TVD) (0.0%, 3 Votes)
как же они надоели

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