есть сердце - ешь камни(с) прекратите иметь мнение, когда вы ничего не знаете(с) я пошёл за ружьём(с)
Paid Commision: Protector and Warrior by KamiDioxThis time, the awesome Gorkonelka asked me to do a paperchildren version of a scene of her GF Yukio fanfic as an anniversary gift, with Sammy (8 yo) and Dean (12 yo) playing scrabble: Dean is holding Sam back and pushing the board away so Sam couldn’t complete his word. I loved do this, the scrabble was a pain in the ass (I lost all the “M” letters when I was preparing the scene and trust me, everything was so tiny!!) anyway, I’m really, really happy they liked it. Happy Anniversary!!If any of you is interested, the fanfic is here: https://www.facebook.com/dana.macudova?fref=tsAnd Yukio’s site is here: http://archiveofourown.org/users/Yukio/pseuds/YukioKisses!
что там написано? :shy:

@темы: арт