Jeremy Renner's Hawkeye RECAST In Avengers Sequel Because He Pissed Off Marvel Execs?!
Jeremy Renner made us SWOON as Hawkeye (yes, even as evil hypnotized Hawkeye) in Joss Whedon's Avengers movie, and we had heard that he'd be making a cameo in Captain America: Winter Soldier…
But it seems Renner may NOT be appearing in any future Marvel projects in ANY capacity, as rumor has it Hawkeye is being RECAST!!
But why??
Well, during an interview while promoting the first Avengers flick Jeremy stated:
"For 90 percent of the movie, I'm not the character I signed on to play. It's kind of a vacancy. [He's] not even a bad guy, because there's not really a consciousness to him. To take away who that character is and just have him be this robot, essentially, and have him be this minion for evil that Loki uses … I was limited, you know what I mean? I was a terminator in a way. Fun stunts. But is there any sort of emotional content or thought process? No."
Ok, sounds pretty accurate to us… he barely even has dialogue in the movie and has little screen time compared to the other Avengers so obviously it wasn't a very fulfilling acting experience, LOLz!
Unfortunately for Jeremy, some seem to believe it is the aforementioned candid comments that PISSED OFF Marvel execs to such an extent that they now want to BOOT Renner from the $$$-making franchise.
Хотя... В 1-ом Торе Фрнадала играл один актер, потом во 2-ом Торе его заменили на Закари Левая (Чак). Может и тут так будет
Вот так же и не заметят подмены с Эклзом