есть сердце - ешь камни(с) прекратите иметь мнение, когда вы ничего не знаете(с) я пошёл за ружьём(с)
26.06.2012 в 15:03
Пишет val_iko:безумно понравился рисунок....ОЧЕНЬ здорово
URL записи
URL записи26.06.2012 в 13:55
Пишет Shantana.:от petite_madame

Androgynous Sam.
Inspired by the great fic Silk by Minchout and more particularly by the sentence: “His jeans were skin tight, tucked into a pair of calf-high black boots, laced halfway up, and he wore a slouchy sweater half hanging off one shoulder, his duffel slung over the other. His hair was half up in a messy knot at the back of his head. A cigarette dangled from his lips”

Androgynous Sam.
Inspired by the great fic Silk by Minchout and more particularly by the sentence: “His jeans were skin tight, tucked into a pair of calf-high black boots, laced halfway up, and he wore a slouchy sweater half hanging off one shoulder, his duffel slung over the other. His hair was half up in a messy knot at the back of his head. A cigarette dangled from his lips”