понедельник, 11 июля 2016
Основная панель J2J2 PittCon 2016 Main Panel ©sammyhale.tumblr.com/post/147203028447/j2-pittc... J2 come running into the panel out of nowhere. There are some chair/personal space shenanigans, being in sync. “11 years” :P
They argue over when Jensen was last in Pittsburgh. Jared thinks it was 2008 but Jensen said he was there in 2009 when the Pens won the cup. Jared said it was before he met Gen, which was July 2008. Jensen says he’s gonna check with Gen.
Jared says this con is the final stop before s12 begins shooting. Jokes Sam is getting a new look, a shaved head. They are touching each other’s hair and beards talking about how they’re gonna get them cut tomorrow. Jared grabs Jensen’s shirt, saying it’s going to come off too
читать дальше Jared’s newest running song is Fitz and the Tantrums “HandClap.” Plays it for the crowd. Jensen says he listens to mainly Barbara Streisand when he runs lol.
Fan: Sorry Jared but Jensen is my favorite. Crowd: oooo Jared: That’s okay, he’s my favorite, too .
They get a question about bucket lists. Jensen: Like before I die or the show because I’m afraid Dean might die before me. Jared: She just wants to know what’s your favorite bucket!
Jensen wants to do more traveling not related to work. Talks about putting on a squirrel suit. Jared: Same thing. I want to put on a squirrel suit. Or a moose suit. Go through the woods lol. Wants to go skydiving.
Jared and Gen hiked Machu Picchu and were gonna do Kilimanjaro when Gen got pregnant. He’d like to scale Everest one day.
They talk about a guest actress who accidentally drooled in a scene. Jensen: She was in a scene with Sam and Dean and she drooled. It’s not her fault.
Jensen talks about the donut scene with Briana, said she was tough to break, almost had to put the whole donut in his mouth to break her. Made his mouth swell.
Jared talks about the brothers working together, being on the same page. Jared says talking with Dabb for s11 was a lot (God, Amara, etc) so they’re getting back to “what makes the boys tick” getting into the minds of the boys, due to Mary’s return. Jensen: Yeah, ditto.
Jared says they had a meeting recently talking with Dabb about Mary, etc. Will see a different side to them because we’re seeing them with a parent.
Jared talks about how amazing Samantha Smith is.
Jensen bent over for water and Jared stared at him. So Jensen gave him the water with a lovely Grumples look and grabbed a second for him aww lol.
Jensen is really proud of the “Baby” episode. “It was cool, just us two, no crew around, and setting the cameras. Then driving around just us two.”
J2 are really in sync. Just drank “beer” together (aka the mics) after Jared tried to talk into his water bottle instead of his mic lol.
J2 whispering and having side conversations.
Jared’s stripper name is everything’s bigger in Texas. Lots of hilarity ensues. Jensen sat down in front of Jared to see if he would do his stripper moves. Jensen goes with the formula of first pet and stree they grew up on, so his name would be Pudgy Midway and Jared’s would be Bootsie.
They discuss some bad audition experiences.
Boys joke they were shocked Misha could act re: playing Lucifer. Jared honestly thinks it was awesome, he’s been in those same shoes. Jared talks about his first scene with Misha as Lucifer in “The Vessel” and Jared didn’t mess with him. Jared told him great job and Misha was like “Really? You were throwing me off because you weren’t fucking with me.” Jared didn’t want to mess him up because he was doing so good. Jensen didn’t envy that position, because Mark Pellegrino set such a tone for that character, but they were both impressed with Misha.
Jared wasn’t happy with the Amelia storyline and the fact that he didn’t look for his brother. “We got through it.” There have been times when his vision of Sam doesn’t match up with the writer’s vision. Jared is convinced he can be honest to Sam no matter the situation, though, so if he doesn’t like something, he’ll act that, make sure Sam shows that. Adapts to what is given and stays honest with Sam all the way through.
Jensen jokes the writers would never do that to Dean. Serious answer: There are many times when lines themselves are changed. There was once an entire scene, towards the end of s11, where they felt it was written like they had put the names of the characters on the wrong lines. Without asking permission, they literally scratched out Sam and Dean and flipped every line between the two of them to make the scene fit and work.
Jared talks about how their kids go to the same preschool. Tells the story of how JJ wanted to play with Tom because they are obviously friends but the kids in Tom’s age group said she was too little. JJ started to cry so Tom played with her instead of his other friends.
During the story Jared called JJ “Jaybird”
Just this past weekend Jensen was driving JJ to gymnastics. She asked if Tom and Shep were gonna be there and he said no. He asked if she missed them and JJ said yeah, that she missed Tom, Shep and “Quiet” (a kid named Wyatt who is the son of another friend of theirs). JJ calls them her boys
If they could change anything in any season? Jared: Charlie. Jensen: Yeah. They would not have have killed off her or Bobby.
Favorite emotional ep for Jared is “Sacrifice.” Jensen jokes his is “Yellow Fever” - there was a lot of “emotional commitment” he says. Jared says his favorite tattoo is of Jensen’s face screaming at the cat. Jensen’s serious answer was the emotional scene between Chuck and Dean, he connected with it when he approached it like Dean viewing Chuck as a father figure and thought about JJ and if she had to be without him.
Kathryn showed them how to make meme’s but “none of it sank in” lol.
Last question: Will Sam and Dean do a case in West Virginia? After some joking with J2, Rob and Rich on stage, Jared answers that if the fans continue watching and supporting the show like they have been then maybe they will end up on a case in West Virginia
Fans come up dressed in moose and squirrel outfits. Jared says the resemblance is uncanny. Jensen cheers: Moose and squirrel! Moose and squirrel!
The boys give a heartfelt goodbye and fist bump as they walk out.
Info via: Periscope, Fangasm, Ceci, Lysa, Linds, WoLPgh, Stacy, WFB spn, Sil’s live-tweeters list + немножко фотоопов, Джаред какой-то совершенно волшебный в этот раз