
есть сердце - ешь камни(с) прекратите иметь мнение, когда вы ничего не знаете(с) я пошёл за ружьём(с)
Пишет  Nadin7:

Твиттер Дженсена и Джареда
Джаред на своей страничке в Твиттере поделился видео-клипом группы Роба Бенедикта Louden Swain, снятым Ричардом Спейтом-мл. (на iPhone6) на Конвенции в Ванкувере, и написал:
ПОТРЯСАЮЩЕЕ видео (на песню "Bandaged Hand") ПОТРЯСАЮЩЕЙ группы (@LoudenSwain1)!! О да, и снял его один чувак (@dicksp8jr).

Дженсен заглянул на Твиттер, где поделился фото (сделанным @AmyinSydney она же sweetondean) и написал:
По всей видимости, я отлично провёл время на Коне в Далласе... или же просто потянул спину. Спасибо за заботу, Джаред. Спасибо всем вам.

URL записи

15.09.2015 в 14:25

Да не сразу поймёшь что с ним то-ли артрит замучил то-ли очень смешно :-D:-D
15.09.2015 в 14:33

есть сердце - ешь камни(с) прекратите иметь мнение, когда вы ничего не знаете(с) я пошёл за ружьём(с)
ну, Джей ржод, значит, всё в порядке))
15.09.2015 в 15:10

есть сердце - ешь камни(с) прекратите иметь мнение, когда вы ничего не знаете(с) я пошёл за ружьём(с)
J2 come on stage with the usual jump with the band, and Jared slapping Jensen’s ass lol.
Jensen: Never thought we’d be here 10 years later.
Jared thanks everyone that they are here 10 years later.
Misha brought out a cake for the anniversary, everyone sings Happy Birthday. The boys pretend to stomp out the candles.
Jared’s showing off a Dallas Cowboys scarf. He talks about possible pranks for director!Richard who exits the stage lol.
J2 feel they became successful as actors really with Supernatural. Before, they were just working actors.
Jared: Jensen did musicals! Jensen: One! He says he got the lead in the senior musical because the guys on the baseball team thought it would be a good idea to try out.
If you could marry any fictional character who would it be? Jared: I did marry a fictional character (mic drop).
Jensen would marry Ariel (a fan called this out because the girl asking the question is supposedly named Ariel.)
Fan (Ariel): Says she would marry Sam and Jared gave her a hug. Jensen changed his answer to Jasmine.
Someone asked about the car wash scene Jared mentioned in their Entertainment Weekly interview. Jensen asked with soap suds and short shorts and says no, and then says maybe.
Jared: There IS an upcoming car wash scene in MOL garage. More of Jensen’s inner thigh than I care to see lol.
Jensen says there should be good gag reel footage from the car wash scene.
Fav thing in Jensen’s house is his dad’s guitar from college. Gave it to him when he moved to Cali at 18.
Jared has his first call sheet from his very first job. Jensen says he should frame it.
Career besides acting? Jensen: wanted to help people in some way. Influence or medical.
Jared would’ve loved to teach. Talks about how he was enrolled to UT Austin to be an engineer.
The boys start saying random words to get the audience to cheer: procrastination, volcanoes, Jared with his shirt off…
Fan says she’s a gym coach. Jensen: You know that the whistle makes you their God.
Jared says his team would win dodge ball, says he would have Lebron James and Usain Bolt on his team. Jensen would have the Shaolin monks.
Jared says alarm at 6am sounds like, “Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!” Jensen says, “That’s just…Never mind” and walks offstage lmao.
Jensen said his two nephews are backstage saying “what?” To Jared’s comment of “daddy” as an alarm at 6am.
Jared and Jensen talk about relationships: Jared explains he enjoys his costars and he’s friendly with past stars but not friends with them like with the Supernatural cast. Jensen: It’s a rarity to have relationships and friendships last as long as they have, that’s in part due to this show.
Jensen says he’s had great people they get along with that comes on the show and he’s glad to be a part of it. It’s not fake, this family is real.
Fav childhood memory: Jared had a big imagination and was very supported and liked the times where he was free and got a bike and could go explore.
Jensen was reminiscing with his brother about riding around on a homemade motor bike until his mom blew the conch shell for dinner.
J2 are completely fine with always being associated with Sam and Dean. Jensen: Typecast me. I’m proud of what we do as Sam and Dean.
Jared: Now that the show is never going to end, I’m proud of what we’ve done.
Jared teased Jensen about Days of Our Lives, Jensen says he needs to get some brick pants.
Jensen does not remember his line about tampons on Ten Inch Hero. Fans says if he needs motivation she has a tampon.
Jared says remember this so when someone asks the weirdest thing that’s ever been said to them this would be it lol.
Jensen says they have short term memory and losing it because they have so much info they have to regurgitate.
Fav monster to kill: Jared likes the ones you kill with a flame thrower, like rugaru, wendigo, changelings. Jensen prefers to chop vampire heads.
The boys re-enact the blocking/direction of vampire beheading.
Jensen wants people going to a future Vampire Diaries con to take a cardboard cutout of Sam and Dean and put it in the aisle. Says he will RT the pic.
Jared’s best expectation of the show was that it would make it at least four seasons, worst was that it wouldn’t get picked up.
Jensen says at the beginning they were worried they would get canceled every year. Talks about how SPN is the only show older than the network it runs on.
Throwing shade at Dawn Ostroff (former network president) and noting they outlasted her at the network.
Jared: We’re not the Losechesters!
Jared’s favorite past time is not filming and he doesn’t want to make plans ‘cause he doesn’t want to have a schedule, likes relaxing. “I don’t wanna come to a schedule. I like to lay low and hang with the kids and swim and ride a jet ski.”
Jensen: The time we do have off is spent with family and friends. What little time there is.
Jensen talks about receiving texts from Jared saying he was in his pool while Jensen was in Vancouver filming lol. He also sent Jensen a photoshopped pic of him on a jet ski in Jensen’s pool while Jensen was filming. They might tweet the pic!
Rangers or Astros? Jensen says from here it’s a given. Jared says he has loyalties to each team and Jensen says NO PICK ONE. Jensen to Jared: I know where you live. I have keys to your house.
Jared says Sam would like his child to be a “person of letters” and Jensen says Dean would want child to be legacy hunter.
Fan (Marine) said Supernatural got him through 12 months in Iraq and he got a standing ovation and J2 shook his hand.
Jensen says it’s the coolest thing to hear that their show provides an escape for the military and Jared tells them thank you.
Jared tells the fan with the last question to look out at her family after pointing to the audience.
J2 say the best part is that the fans are one big, dysfunctional family. Jared: We’re damn proud of it! Jensen thanks everyone and is glad they’ve had a positive impact on their life. The boys love us.
Band gives Jared his JPad cowbell. Rob: “By the way, I’m gonna need that back.”
Jared welcomes the fans to the family.
The boys start telling bad dad jokes.
Jared: Stop reading my mind!
Jensen likes the band Styx.
The boys start dancing to the mic feedback.
Cheesiest pick-up line they’ve ever heard? “A woman asked me if I had just fallen out of a plane because I was the bomb.” - Jensen “A woman came up to me at a bar and slipped me her number while patting my thigh saying ‘I have a new mattress and I could use help breaking it in.’” - Jared (via clevergirlwithablubox)
Jared says that Sam does have demon blood in him, will be a problem for a long time. Something is seeking out Sam.
Another report: Jared calls the promo “dark and torturey” and thinks Sam still has demon blood in him (Jensen dramatically says “What?!”)
Jared: It’s nice to be part of something that inspires creativity in others.
Jared doesn’t want his kids to see him die on screen.
J2 say they’re probably overly critical of their own performance.
Jared’s going to the Dinosaur Train convention.
J2: We just look at each other sometimes and say, what are we doing? Like in Dog Day Afternoon, nutcracker scene in Changing Channels, French Mistake, etc.
The boys mimed taking off tear away pants, in unison.
Jared took Spanish in school, can speak it a bit but not well.
They re-tell the story of Jared pieing Misha in the face.
J2 had to carry Osric part way during Tough Mudder because he has knee issues.
Jared talks about Jason Manns leap-frogging over him and them sort of face planting while he was trying to carry Jason at Tough Mudder (via vid)
Jensen talks about picking up Richard during Tough Mudder. Says he got lucky compared to Jared lol. Explains how Jason said that he had ran more during Tough Mudder than he had all year.
Jared is both a procrastinator and a perfectionist.
They talk about how Misha actually hurt his voice doing the Cas voice.
Jensen is planning a prank on Richard when he goes to set for 11x8.
Jensen wants to be a Merman (since JJ makes him watch The Little Mermaid) says yes he can sing all The Little Mermaid songs.
Jared wants to be a fairy. Jensen: Of course.
Jensen: Fuck those fairies!

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