есть сердце - ешь камни(с) прекратите иметь мнение, когда вы ничего не знаете(с) я пошёл за ружьём(с)
20.05.2015 в 18:53
Пишет МКБ-10:проклятье
Download True Detective teaser OST for free from pleer.com
Change will come to those who have no fear.
But I’m not her you never were the kind who kept a rulebook near.
We were we like a pair of thieves, tumbled locks and broken codes, you can not take that from me my small reprieves your heart of gold.
We were like a battlefield locked inside a holy war, your love is my due diligence, the only thing worth fighting for.
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URL записиDownload True Detective teaser OST for free from pleer.com
Change will come to those who have no fear.
But I’m not her you never were the kind who kept a rulebook near.
We were we like a pair of thieves, tumbled locks and broken codes, you can not take that from me my small reprieves your heart of gold.
We were like a battlefield locked inside a holy war, your love is my due diligence, the only thing worth fighting for.
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