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Пишет _серый_волк_:
Робби поведал:
Robbie’s dream episode (that he’s pitched and always had rejected) is a “fluff and fold” Supernatural ep where Sam & Dean are just doing laundry but having them have flashbacks to Purgatory time.
Dean’s story was how he ran out of bullets in Purgatory and found his weapon. Sam was his search for his brother, before a stranger told him to give it up and he hit the dog.
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Робби поведал:
Robbie’s dream episode (that he’s pitched and always had rejected) is a “fluff and fold” Supernatural ep where Sam & Dean are just doing laundry but having them have flashbacks to Purgatory time.
Dean’s story was how he ran out of bullets in Purgatory and found his weapon. Sam was his search for his brother, before a stranger told him to give it up and he hit the dog.
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Флешбеки Дина были бы про то, как он растратил все пули в Чистилище и потом нашёл себе оружие. Флешбеки Сэма были бы про то, как он искал брата до того, как незнакомец сказал ему прекращать и он сбил собаку.
хорошо, что кончается всё хорошо, что хорошо кончается)