
есть сердце - ешь камни(с) прекратите иметь мнение, когда вы ничего не знаете(с) я пошёл за ружьём(с)
Gift for the wonderful Quickreaver as part of the spn_J2_xmas exchange.The Devil’s HeirDescription: They call Sam the Boy King or The Devil’s Heir and he grows more powerful every day, while Dean possessing the Mark of Cain is a Knight of Hell. Sam can still be killed though and when he takes two shots to the chest, Dean cuts his arm and tells Sam to drink his blood in order to heal himself. Sam hesitates and looks to Dean, wondering if he should drink, knowing it will bind them even closer and lead them further into darkness.
Gift for the wonderful Quickreaver as part of the spn_J2_xmas exchange.

The Devil’s Heir

Description: They call Sam the Boy King or The Devil’s Heir and he grows more powerful every day, while Dean possessing the Mark of Cain is a Knight of Hell. Sam can still be killed though and when he takes two shots to the chest, Dean cuts his arm and tells Sam to drink his blood in order to heal himself. Sam hesitates and looks to Dean, wondering if he should drink, knowing it will bind them even closer and lead them further into darkness.


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29.02.2024 в 04:12

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