есть сердце - ешь камни(с) прекратите иметь мнение, когда вы ничего не знаете(с) я пошёл за ружьём(с)
29.11.2012 в 10:04
Пишет ~Amy~:by KatPat88 (Mon Nov 26 2012 17:44:20)
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Justin Hartley was on my flight from LAX to Vancouver!
There was a looooong delay for the flight and when we finally started boarding the airline people called out for missing passengers and Justin Hartley's name was called out 3 times,.... and sure enough it was really him who went to the
So, when we landed at like 4am, I rushed off the plane and caught up
with the first class peeps and walked right behind him :-) He was
talking to some dude in a granddad hat the whole time so I didn't want
to bother him, then I had to get my bags, so sadly no pic or autograph
just a couple of very blurry pics of me following him and trying to
find a way to ask him without being rude and interrupting their
Just adding that someone said the old guy in the hat was Jensen Ackles from Supernatural, how cute that they seem to be such good friends. And how much does it suck that cancelled Emily Owens.
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Justin Hartley was on my flight from LAX to Vancouver!
There was a looooong delay for the flight and when we finally started boarding the airline people called out for missing passengers and Justin Hartley's name was called out 3 times,.... and sure enough it was really him who went to the
So, when we landed at like 4am, I rushed off the plane and caught up
with the first class peeps and walked right behind him :-) He was
talking to some dude in a granddad hat the whole time so I didn't want
to bother him, then I had to get my bags, so sadly no pic or autograph
just a couple of very blurry pics of me following him and trying to
find a way to ask him without being rude and interrupting their
Just adding that someone said the old guy in the hat was Jensen Ackles from Supernatural, how cute that they seem to be such good friends. And how much does it suck that cancelled Emily Owens.
Кстати, на тему того, что "потому что Дженсен так красив, его совершенно точно нельзя не заметить и не узнать даже в кепке и т.д., и поэтому он совершенно точно не может летать незамеченным фанатами, когда хочет…"
Фанатка Хартли не только удосужилась не узнать его, так еще и описала как "старого мужика в шляпе", до того как ей объяснили, кто он