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05.11.2011 в 18:59
Пишет Ollaya:Прощай Херли...
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RIP Harley Brown
I’m sure most people don’t know this but the reason that Jared hasn’t had Harley around/why we haven’t seen him for a while is because he’s been extremely sick and has been living in LA with Sandy and her boyfriend who is also a friend of Jared’s. Sandy posted on her Facebook last night that poor Harley has cancer and that they were told by the vet that they had to put him to sleep today. To lose a pet is devastating, and I know for someone who loves dogs as much as Jared does it’s going to hit him even harder. I wouldn’t tweet him or anything about it because I’m not sure he wants the public to know but just take a moment and keep him in your thoughts. I’m sure our beloved moose will need the good vibes/prayers as much as Sandy and Jordan will!
if this is true then it’s so sad. poor jared, we’ll be keeping him on our minds today and so should you

RIP Harley Brown

I’m sure most people don’t know this but the reason that Jared hasn’t had Harley around/why we haven’t seen him for a while is because he’s been extremely sick and has been living in LA with Sandy and her boyfriend who is also a friend of Jared’s. Sandy posted on her Facebook last night that poor Harley has cancer and that they were told by the vet that they had to put him to sleep today. To lose a pet is devastating, and I know for someone who loves dogs as much as Jared does it’s going to hit him even harder. I wouldn’t tweet him or anything about it because I’m not sure he wants the public to know but just take a moment and keep him in your thoughts. I’m sure our beloved moose will need the good vibes/prayers as much as Sandy and Jordan will!

if this is true then it’s so sad. poor jared, we’ll be keeping him on our minds today and so should you

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