alvinaaugustThat's a wrap on episode #1220 of Supernatural! @cw_supernatural Can't wait for you all to see it! So thoughtful & charming were @jensenackles & @jaredpadalecki. They kept us in stitches through those long days. No wonder they've lasted 12 seasons!!! Thank you @thecw and @dicksp8jr for being a fantastic director! What an honor to make TV magic with all of you guys!
nadeenlightbodyI'm so excited!! Can't wait to see this episode!
terraerae@alvinaaugust you are so lucky
nelsonflores__Love it
tinyasian1YESSS ALVINA. You are an amazing and talented woman can't wait to see you progress to absolute stardom. #GirlPower
afsane_ghafuri@jensenackles gorgeous & handsome as always