Пишет *Sometime*:
Jensen: “It’s obviously been a collection of highlights over the past 11 years for, not just his and I’s friendship and growth as two guys who can work together and get along as well as we do. I would say one of the moments that comes to mind was when he and I got into a bit of a riff season one, and in 11 years that’s really the only time that he and I have ever combated each other. And I remember we got together right after that, ‘cause we were both pretty upset, and we kinda looked at each other and we’re like, ‘Listen, that can’t ever happen again. If we want this to succeed (the show), and we want this (points to him and Jared) to succeed, that kind of stuff has gotta get taken care of before it reaches that level. So let’s just make a pact.’ And it’s never broken and I think that was the turning moment for he and I like, okay, we gotta be together, work together and do this as a team if it’s gonna have any chance of success. I think early on we kind of found that we were better as a total, the sum of two of us than we were separate.”
Jared: “I think that happens in any relationship, whether it’s friends or coworkers, or boyfriend/girlfriend, boyfriend/boyfriend, spouses, any sort of relationship, it kind of gets tested and that’s when you find out whether or not it’s worth it to you. Like, ‘Okay, that kind of sucked. Let’s move on.’
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