J2 HoustonCon 2016 Main Panel
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Jared stands on the chair to see all of the fans in the audience, Jensen looks concerned lol. Rob: This could end badly!
Jensen: “There are two kinds of people in this world. The ones from Texas and the ones who wish they were.” Jared: That’s what I love about people from Texas. They ask how your day is going.
J2 discover that the chairs swivel. Jensen: It’s like instead of Spin the Bottle, spin the Winchester.
Talking about the pics of them in the car from this morning, said there was a third pic they didn’t post. Might post later.
Jensen had decided that a selfie smile at the camera was too nice, so they posed sleeping ones for fun.
Jensen says they don’t have a body clock anymore, Jared agrees. They can fall asleep in about 60 seconds as actors, or for 25 minute flights.
Jared does an interpretive dance to catch a fan up from season 7. It involves a lot of “dying.” Jensen: That’s some of the best performing from you I’ve ever seen. Jared drops mic, admits he got into it.
J2 say they’ll go after the Chupacabra in season 13.
Jensen: I prefer comedic and action scenes. Jared: I prefer dramatic scenes. Jensen: We were made for each other.
Fan with no question, audience yells pancakes or waffles. Jensen: Flapjacks. Jared: Waffles. They start arguing - Jensen says that syrup spills onto Jensen’s bacon from pancakes so it’s way better. Jared: Bacon was not part of the conversation! Jensen: Bacon was always a part of the conversation. This is not a debate.
Jared took ballet in high school. Drama teacher thought ballet made actors more comfortable in their own skin.
Jensen lost a bet with Danneel, and she signed him up for dance classes before they got married. When they got to the reception, her dress was too big so they were unable to do the rehearsed dance. Jensen: So I too took dance lessons that didn’t pay off (after joking that Jared still isn’t comfortable in his skin).
Jared did a high kick in reference to one of the things he learned from ballet.
When Jared opened up about depression he realized how big a community this is, and talking openly is so important. To a fan: “Just know that you are a part of a big community that loves you.” To AKF: Be proud, love yourself, be brave, and know you are never alone.
Fan asked Jensen to lift his shirt a little bit. He stood up to the stripper music, and showed his pocket lol. Jared: If you would’ve said 12 inches, you would’ve seen everything. Joke backfired! Jared tells the audience to “get a grip” and J2 start laughing even more.
Kripke made Dean love food and pie seemed funny. Jensen wasn’t much of a pie guy, but knowing Dean so long it’s rubbed off on him.
The most romantic times Jared and Gen have had are impromptu. They don’t want it to be scripted, that loses its luster as actors. Jensen and Danneel had best romantic times on their honeymoon, also speaks to “unscripted moments.” That’s a relationship.
J2 give advice to a young actor. Jensen talked about knowing your craft, Jared spoke about knowing yourself. Jared: “Honesty shines through just like bullshit. So be true to yourself.”
Thing they miss most about Texas (other than family)? They say Whataburger’s fancy ketchup, the people, bbq, and the sun.
J2 fist bump!
Fan gives J2 a hard time for not wearing seatbelts in the car pics this morning. Jared: In all fairness, you’re right. But…we were parked.
J2 play rock, paper, scissors, and Jensen lost to Jared twice. (Another livetweet: J2 just staged Dean and Sam paper-scissors-rock without needing to discuss it.)
Jared: After 11 years.. Jensen: … We can read each other’s minds.
J2 say it was tough when they found out Bobby was going to die; hard losing people you love. Jared: It’s exactly like Twilight. Watching the people you love die…Please don’t die. Jensen: I WANT to now.
Jensen: If you’re going to send off a beloved character you should do it in an amazing way, like with Bobby.
Jared relates to Sam’s anxiety and struggle. Jensen relates to Dean’s protectiveness of friends and family, and family not ending in blood.
The boys talk about how “we’ve seen more Sam and Dean character development in season 11 than ever before.” They talk about Sam and Dean in the last episode. Jared talks about honesty, Jensen talks about the brothers being brothers again and on the same team. Brothers are stronger when they are on the same side.
Jensen said the brothers working together and being on the same team is the best platform/theme and what he prefers.
More J2 spinning chairs lol.
Jensen took a picture of the “Mark of Cain” cut on Jared’s finger, but the placement of the finger on the camera turned into a funny fail.
Jensen’s driver’s license says his hair is brown. The younger pics of him, with blonde hair, are highlights from Days Of Our Lives. Says he had to have it dyed for 3 years for DOOL.
The boys talk about balancing work life with family. They check in with family regularly - thank God for technology.
Their wives and kids are BFFs, too. It’s all family. They try to spend as much time as they can with their families because it’s important.
They start auctioning off Valentine’s Day cards (made by Jensen, Misha, and the band). It will go towards Jensen’s charity of choice. Jensen signs his handmade Valentine: “Done. Next.” Richard: “I love when you become a cartoon of yourself.”
(Via pics) Jared is covered in glitter after signing lol.
Jensen helps Rob sing the boys off stage