30.08.2015 в 22:26
Пишет *Sometime*:Дневная панель J2
J2 Vancon Main Panel
ТвиттыPanel starts out with the in sync jump.
Jensen jokes about him and Rob dressing alike.
It’s nice how easy it is for them to get to VanCon because they work in Vancouver lol.
Jared heard “someone” performed at a concert last night
The guys joke around how Jensen was mentioned in Entertainment Weekly for rocking out last night but Louden Swain wasn’t.
Rob wants Jared to join them next time with a cowbell (Richard calls it a moose bell). Jared says he’s “So in.”
Fan asks who would play them if Sam and Dean were women? Jared needs someone tall, Jensen says Geena Davis. For Jensen, Madonna. Fan says the guys would look good in drag. Jensen says he’ll have to wear a wig but Jared just needs to braid his hair. Jensen: “I’ll braid it for you.”
Sam would be into singer songwriters, would listen to George Ezra.
Jensen jokes about the volcanoes are mountains thing.
Fan thanks guys for helping reconnect with her sister, asks about the torture of souls in Hell. Did it cut away all connection and happiness? Jared doesn’t think it would get rid of the good in a person.
Fan’s question is for Jensen. Jared: “I’ll forgive you this time but next time the moose comes out.” lol
Priestly in the Supernatural world? Dean would keep him hostage as a personal chef.
Jensen asked about writing, says he isn’t a writer.
Jared read “On the Road” (book spn based on) in school. Jared: “I studied up on archetypes.” Jensen: “Then he told me.”
Traditions? Jared had tamales for Christmas, and breakfast tacos. Jensen and Danneel do a dance party on Christmas morning.
Asked about boys being vessels and hidden potential powers; Jared: “we’re gonna get a glimpse into that question” this season. Jared says that Jensen told them that (so he won’t get in trouble lol).
Asked about Sam’s hair and why Jared grew it out. Jared said that it was written to have tousled, messy college hair. And over time, Jensen: “He grew up.”
Jensen: It had nothing to do with the show. It was his wife. Gen liked Jared’s hair longer and Jared was like, “Okay.”
J2 high-five.
Originally the auditions were made for Sam and then the other roles were assigned. Jensen thought Dean was more in his wheelhouse.
Jensen says that The Vampire Diaries ruined the smolder forever lol.
Fan says Sam and Dean have been through a lot and wonders how they grew along with the show. Jared: The brothers re-established a connection, talks about direction from Kripke back in the early seasons. Originally reluctant to hunt, but now it’s his job. Jensen: “I agree.”
Jared says his drama teacher taught him to be open to being wrong. Jared just finished reading Felicia’s book and said it has a great message of being who you are. Jensen said he also had teachers that helped him, said he wasn’t a straight-A student but one of his teachers really sat down and helped him and showed him he didn’t have to feel bad about himself.
Jared: “You can waste your life being someone else or you can be who you are.”
Recent in-character dream? Jared jokes about dreaming about Ruby. Jensen: I wonder if she dreams about Sam. Jensen also says that he doesn’t dream as Dean. Jensen has recurring apocalyptic dreams; he’s always trying to save an injured person.
Jared: “You’re not a Lose-chester.” Jensen: That’s right.
One word to describe each other. Jared: “We’ve known each other for a long time in a pretty thorough way.” Jensen: Obviously he has a poor choice of words right now.
Jared calls Jensen: dedicated, hardworking, talented, loyal, handsome. Jared: He’s loyal to a fault, he’s dedicated to his friends and family, genuinely caring…likes to play golf.
The boys are having a hard time keeping it to one word.
Jensen on Jared: A good friend.
High praise for the art department.
What made them initially want to audition for the show? Jared was excited to do a show that was different from Gilmore Girls, also was a fan of X-Files and Twilight Zone. Loves the genre, loved the archetypes. Jensen: In our twenties and we were looking for work. Jared: Oh yeah, that, too.
Jensen: Jared and I have auditioned for numerous projects, some were really good and we didn’t get them. Just so happened this show came along and they were interested in us from the start. Bonus that the sсript was so great and characters were so good.
Alternative universe jobs for Sam and Dean? Jared: No retail, they would be short-tempered. Especially Dean lol. Fan yells stripper.
Jensen: “Magic Winchesters” and “Magic Winchester XXL”
Jensen stands and dances a little, then starts touching Jared’s knee. Jared fans himself off.
End of each season, Jared gets this indescribable feeling like “Oh my, God, we did it.”
A favorite memory for Jensen was watching Jared fall in love with his wife. Talks about how he witnessed Jared falling in love and he says Jared followed her around everywhere.
Another memory was filming with Kim Manners, how he didn’t wear a bee suit in Bugs.
Both have a pet-peeve of being interrupted while reading.
Jared thinks his music taste came from his brother. Same for Jensen. Jared’s brother got him into Pearl Jam, Jensen’s got him into big haired 80s bands which led to 70s rock.
Jared’s worst moment of his life was when he was playing with his son who had been sliding the T-Rex down the slide; at one point Jared threw the plastic T-Rex up the slide. It ended up bouncing and accidentally hit him in the face. Jared’s “legs went out” because he thought he had blinded his son. The toy missed his son’s eye; Gen has to reassure Jared when he remembers the incident because of how much it upsets him.
JJ was running around in the goat pen at a petting zoo and pushing the goats, and then Jensen started seeing two goats bashing each other. “Okay, we’re leaving!”
They joke about how the kids will tell on them when the wives are gone and if they got to have ice cream or stay up late, etc.
J2 point out the SPN crew members in the audience.
Last question: Jensen’s tweet about mingling at Comic Con and how he was costumed up. Jensen jokes that he can’t give away his secrets. He says he never actually went out on the floor, “That would be dangerous.” Jensen asks what they would dress up as and the band says in unison: “Chewbacca.”
Boys say goodbye and thanks: “This is the city that houses the show that we love.”
URL записиJ2 Vancon Main Panel
ТвиттыPanel starts out with the in sync jump.
Jensen jokes about him and Rob dressing alike.
It’s nice how easy it is for them to get to VanCon because they work in Vancouver lol.
Jared heard “someone” performed at a concert last night
The guys joke around how Jensen was mentioned in Entertainment Weekly for rocking out last night but Louden Swain wasn’t.
Rob wants Jared to join them next time with a cowbell (Richard calls it a moose bell). Jared says he’s “So in.”
Fan asks who would play them if Sam and Dean were women? Jared needs someone tall, Jensen says Geena Davis. For Jensen, Madonna. Fan says the guys would look good in drag. Jensen says he’ll have to wear a wig but Jared just needs to braid his hair. Jensen: “I’ll braid it for you.”
Sam would be into singer songwriters, would listen to George Ezra.
Jensen jokes about the volcanoes are mountains thing.
Fan thanks guys for helping reconnect with her sister, asks about the torture of souls in Hell. Did it cut away all connection and happiness? Jared doesn’t think it would get rid of the good in a person.
Fan’s question is for Jensen. Jared: “I’ll forgive you this time but next time the moose comes out.” lol
Priestly in the Supernatural world? Dean would keep him hostage as a personal chef.
Jensen asked about writing, says he isn’t a writer.
Jared read “On the Road” (book spn based on) in school. Jared: “I studied up on archetypes.” Jensen: “Then he told me.”
Traditions? Jared had tamales for Christmas, and breakfast tacos. Jensen and Danneel do a dance party on Christmas morning.
Asked about boys being vessels and hidden potential powers; Jared: “we’re gonna get a glimpse into that question” this season. Jared says that Jensen told them that (so he won’t get in trouble lol).
Asked about Sam’s hair and why Jared grew it out. Jared said that it was written to have tousled, messy college hair. And over time, Jensen: “He grew up.”
Jensen: It had nothing to do with the show. It was his wife. Gen liked Jared’s hair longer and Jared was like, “Okay.”
J2 high-five.
Originally the auditions were made for Sam and then the other roles were assigned. Jensen thought Dean was more in his wheelhouse.
Jensen says that The Vampire Diaries ruined the smolder forever lol.
Fan says Sam and Dean have been through a lot and wonders how they grew along with the show. Jared: The brothers re-established a connection, talks about direction from Kripke back in the early seasons. Originally reluctant to hunt, but now it’s his job. Jensen: “I agree.”
Jared says his drama teacher taught him to be open to being wrong. Jared just finished reading Felicia’s book and said it has a great message of being who you are. Jensen said he also had teachers that helped him, said he wasn’t a straight-A student but one of his teachers really sat down and helped him and showed him he didn’t have to feel bad about himself.
Jared: “You can waste your life being someone else or you can be who you are.”
Recent in-character dream? Jared jokes about dreaming about Ruby. Jensen: I wonder if she dreams about Sam. Jensen also says that he doesn’t dream as Dean. Jensen has recurring apocalyptic dreams; he’s always trying to save an injured person.
Jared: “You’re not a Lose-chester.” Jensen: That’s right.
One word to describe each other. Jared: “We’ve known each other for a long time in a pretty thorough way.” Jensen: Obviously he has a poor choice of words right now.
Jared calls Jensen: dedicated, hardworking, talented, loyal, handsome. Jared: He’s loyal to a fault, he’s dedicated to his friends and family, genuinely caring…likes to play golf.
The boys are having a hard time keeping it to one word.
Jensen on Jared: A good friend.
High praise for the art department.
What made them initially want to audition for the show? Jared was excited to do a show that was different from Gilmore Girls, also was a fan of X-Files and Twilight Zone. Loves the genre, loved the archetypes. Jensen: In our twenties and we were looking for work. Jared: Oh yeah, that, too.
Jensen: Jared and I have auditioned for numerous projects, some were really good and we didn’t get them. Just so happened this show came along and they were interested in us from the start. Bonus that the sсript was so great and characters were so good.
Alternative universe jobs for Sam and Dean? Jared: No retail, they would be short-tempered. Especially Dean lol. Fan yells stripper.
Jensen: “Magic Winchesters” and “Magic Winchester XXL”
Jensen stands and dances a little, then starts touching Jared’s knee. Jared fans himself off.
End of each season, Jared gets this indescribable feeling like “Oh my, God, we did it.”
A favorite memory for Jensen was watching Jared fall in love with his wife. Talks about how he witnessed Jared falling in love and he says Jared followed her around everywhere.
Another memory was filming with Kim Manners, how he didn’t wear a bee suit in Bugs.
Both have a pet-peeve of being interrupted while reading.
Jared thinks his music taste came from his brother. Same for Jensen. Jared’s brother got him into Pearl Jam, Jensen’s got him into big haired 80s bands which led to 70s rock.
Jared’s worst moment of his life was when he was playing with his son who had been sliding the T-Rex down the slide; at one point Jared threw the plastic T-Rex up the slide. It ended up bouncing and accidentally hit him in the face. Jared’s “legs went out” because he thought he had blinded his son. The toy missed his son’s eye; Gen has to reassure Jared when he remembers the incident because of how much it upsets him.
JJ was running around in the goat pen at a petting zoo and pushing the goats, and then Jensen started seeing two goats bashing each other. “Okay, we’re leaving!”
They joke about how the kids will tell on them when the wives are gone and if they got to have ice cream or stay up late, etc.
J2 point out the SPN crew members in the audience.
Last question: Jensen’s tweet about mingling at Comic Con and how he was costumed up. Jensen jokes that he can’t give away his secrets. He says he never actually went out on the floor, “That would be dangerous.” Jensen asks what they would dress up as and the band says in unison: “Chewbacca.”
Boys say goodbye and thanks: “This is the city that houses the show that we love.”