05.11.2013 в 05:40
на англOk I have a fantastical story to tell everyone! Last night my friend (in the picture) was working at a local pizza restaurant in my town when she looks over and sees her coworker talking to this familiar looking man. All she hears of the conversation is blah blah blah supernatural blah blah blah and since she knows I love supernatural she was curious. She was at the cash register when he makes his way over to pay. When he gets there she says “Hey, you look really familiar. You look kind of like the guy from supernatural.” And he says,”Really?” And she asked, “yeah do you get that a lot?” And he said,”well yes because I am the guy from supernatural. Jensen ackles.” And she said,” no you’re nooot.” And he said,” no really look at my credit card.” And sure enough it said jensen ackles! When he was done paying she asked,” do you mind photobombing my snapchat?” And he asked,” what’s a snapchat?” …!!!!!! So adorable!!! So while I was at home watching this beautiful man on my tv, he was actually a literal 5 minute drive away. This is the closest I’ve ever been to a celebrity. Oh by the way that’s his dad in the background
Jensen is forever an old man “What is a snapchat?” lmao
I LOVE that grumpy old man side of him lol
mi-fanno-bella reblogged this from n0stalgicl0nging and added:
So jealous!!
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