31.03.2015 в 17:24
Пишет LiZZeTTa:Фанаты бывают разные
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и я переведу кратенько всю ту простыню что написал этот молодой человек.
читать дальшеОн очень большой поклонник Джеев, ведет активную социальную жизнь и мониторит перемещение Джеев. И он очень ждал этот кон. Он три года готовился ко встречи с ними. Хотел что бы Джеи обнялись и он обнял их. В очереди на фотоопы он сильно разволновался и когда он их увидел он был в большом восхищении: "Вау! Неужели это в самом деле они! Они так хорошо выглядят!"
Когда наконец-то подошла его очередь Джеи ему сказали: "Привет!" А Джаред протянул руку для рукопожатия и у него оказалась такая большая рука по сравнению с рукой этого парня. ОН так долго мечтал о встречи с ними. Они так сильно изменили его жизнь, что парень растерялся и не мог вымолвить ни слова, а когда наконец-то стал говорить, то получилось не внятное заикание и Дженсен его совсем не понял. А он стоял и думал:" Господи , теперь Дженсен думает что я дебил" И чуть не расплакался, но Дженсен сказал ему:" Иди сюда" и обнял.А бедный парень прижался головой к груди и Дженсена и их обнял Джаред. А кто-то в очередли даже ахнул от этого фото. Потом он сказал "Спасибо" и когда вышел и осознал что сейчас произошло, то сполз по стеночке так как ноги совсем не держали его.
Пока он 5 часов ждал автографы он все думал что фото наверное не удалось и был очень расстроен и даже плакал. Куча девчонок успокаивала его. Когда он получил это фото, то реальность оказалась намного лучше. И он с нетерпением пошел на автографы. Он хотел сказать ребятам как много они значат для него и вдохновляют его.
Он был практически последним на автограф к Дженсену и Дженсен был заметно уставшим. Красивым и уставшим. Дженсен молча подписал его фото и не взглянул на него. Тогда он решился сказать: "Привет Дженсен. Я хотел бы поблагодарить тебя, за то что ты являешься образцом для подражания для меня!" Тут Дженсен поднял свои глаза и бедный парень просто забыл все напрочь. Единственное что он смог выговорить: "Спасибо" И вроде бы повторил это четыре раза глядя вниз на Дженсена: "Спасибо за личный пример" Дженсен слегка улыбнулся и ответил: "Вам спасибо" и постучал по столу. В общем, парень ушел воодушевленным.
По рассказам других, он знал что Джаред на своих автографах разговаривает с каждым и очередь на автографы к нему двигалась медленнее. Впереди него стояла целая семья и они тоже побеседовали с Джаредом, а бедный парень опять разнервничался. Но подошла очередь и он сказал: "Привет Джаред!" Джаред ответил: "Привет" "Я студент инженерного факультета и хотел поблагодарить вас за сериал, он так много значит для меня и делает меня счастливым и помогает поверить в себя" Джаред ответил: "Спасибо" и пошел его обнимать. И выглядел таким искренним и смотрел такими глазами. Тогда парень сказал:" Я сейчас заплачу! Джаред воскликнул:" Нет, не надо! Я так горжусь тобой! Продолжай бороться!" Парень ответил:" спасибо" и ушел , вернее убежал и заплакал.
Он бедный переживает, что не сказал все то что хотел им сказать из-за своего волнения. НО теперь он может это сказать на следующем коне.
более подробно на англ.Okay, here we go. (I am going to be a wreck typing this.)
I’m going to say this upfront. If meeting Felicia made me nervous and panicky, meeting J2 was 1049567 times worse, so my experience was not the fairytale version I played in my head of meeting J2, but it was still the most life-changing experience to ever happen to me.
I had debated long and hard what I wanted to do for my photo-op. I had played out scenarios in my head for 3 long years, but there was one thing I wanted to do. I just wanted to hug them and put as much love into it as possible for these two who changed my life so much. My plan was to ask Jared to hug Jensen from behind, and I would hug them both from Jensen’s front. I didn’t want to choose just one of them to hug because that’s so sad! I can’t choose! That’s the worst decision to ever make!
I was standing in the line, and the nerves again start taking over. I mean, this is J2, how does one act naturally themselves? When I first saw them, I was in such awe, I was like, “Oh my gosh. It’s actually them, and wow they look so good.” (I was having a mini party inside because I saw what J2 were wearing during the Gold panel, and I was like, “Jensen better be wearing that jacket in my photo-op. It looks amazing on him.” Bless the gods and heavens, he was.) So my turn starts coming up, and I was preparing to say what I wanted.
The group in front of me were kind of lingering, so I was getting super antsy, which made me even more nervous than I could have been. I didn’t want to be that person that held up the photo-op line. I just wanted to go in, take the photo, and then go without taking any more of their time since I would see them in autographs anyways. So I walked up, and they both greeted me, “Hi!” and Jared reached out to shake my hand. (Wow! His hand was so huge compared to mine.) It was such an overwhelming feeling of just standing there with not only one, but TWO people who have made such an influence over you, so I was just staring back and forth between the two that I almost got whiplash. I just said upfront what I wanted, but oh no no no, let me say it with a huge stutter and super fast that no human possible can understand. Once I finished, I was looking at Jensen who looked really confused, and it was killing me on the inside like, “Oh my gosh. Jensen thinks I’m crazy. He doesn’t understand me. I’m gonna cry. This is not how I wanted it to be.” Jensen went to go for the hug, but Jared was just like, “No no no! I’m behind you like this.” Bless his heart. Jared knew exactly what I meant by it and went to go hug Jensen from behind while I finally went in for the hug and wrapped my arms around both of them with my head laying on Jensen’s head (which I didn’t even realize until I saw the photo. I was just so out of it). They were such an armful, and I could barely wrap my arms around Jared. It was literal bless. I could feel Jensen’s arms coming around me, and there were so big and enveloping. I also remember someone going “awww” in the line behind me, which is also super embarrassing. I left saying “Thank you so much!” and just walked back to my friends without much reaction until it hit me with what actually happened. I felt my legs shaking, and I basically fell against the wall and wanted to collapse. Someone next to us also said “awww,” so super embarrassing times two.
I was actually pretty upset throughout the day just thinking about how much better the photo-op could have went and how I could have prepared for it. I was just thinking, “Jensen is probably not even smiling. It’s probably so awkward.” It came time to pick it up, and when I saw it, it was a complete 180. It was so perfect. It was what I was hoping it would look. I also didn’t look as foolish compared to my face in Felicia’s photo-op, so thank goodness. I loved everything about it. Jensen has a smile that could light galaxies, and Jared’s face is probably my most favorite thing about this photo. They looked so good, and it was just amazing and great. I was so happy. I’m also half-kicking myself because I should have worded it where Jared would hug me as well as I did with him, but now I have Jared hugging Jensen to forever stare at, so still a win-win.
Now comes autographs! It was getting late in the night, and my friends and I had a long 5-hour drive back home. With that in mind, we were just sitting in the back waiting for my number to be called trying to figure everything out. Along with that, I haven’t really decided what I wanted to say to J2, so in my head, I started thinking about saying to them how much they meant to me and how much they inspire me. Thinking about this, I started tearing up. What do you say to the two people in the world that mean so much to you? That you literally have kept up to date and blogged and made edits in everything from Supernatural to panels to social media. Here we go. I said to my friend, “I am going to start crying.” She was like, “No no no! Don’t cry!” Too late. I start crying. I was so overwhelmed. How do I put into words what I want to say? These two mean so much to me (I feel like I typed this phrase 20 times already. It’s true though.). I finally sobered up from telling my friend to try to change the subject, so I’m not dwelling on it and start crying again.
(I just want to thank cracksmyshitup aka kansastexas aka thebreakfastpanel, jensenwuvzhugz, and lipglosskaz for helping me on twitter through my emotional breakdown.)
At last! It was my turn for Jensen’s autograph. I was standing in line just going, “Okay, just say how much of a role model he is to you and what a wonderful human being he is.” I was like one of the last autographs for the night. I finally reached backstage where he was signing autographs. It was so surreal seeing him just up close. He looked visibly tired, at least in my opinion. Beautiful, but tired. He looked like he was itching to go, and I’m sure he was. He’s been here for a while, has work tomorrow, and just finishing the last batch of autographs. I would want to speed them up too. Everyone was just putting their item down to get signed and just saying their hellos and goodbyes, but I wanted to say more. It was finally my turn, and he hasn’t looked up at me yet. He was just signing my photo-op. I start saying, “Hi Jensen. I just wanted to thank you so much for being a role model to me.” He then looks up, and then I stare at his eyes, and I forgot what language and communication is. I lose my train of thought of what I wanted to say, but the only phrase that could come out of mouth was, “Thank you.” I probably said that like 4 times just over and over again. I finally had to look down from staring at him and was like, “Sorry. Just trying to get my words together.” I was like, “Just… thanks so much for being a role model.” He then slightly smiled and said, “Thank you so much.” and tapped the table and looked so appreciative. I walked away just thinking how many ways that could have gone better. Neither happy or sad. Just wow. I could have done that in 5000484 better ways, but I was happy I was able to thank him for being a role model to me.
Lastly, Jared’s autograph. I knew in my head that Jared was gonna be the more personable one of J2 just from reading other people’s experiences and from just watching how slow the turnover rate of Jared’s autograph was, meaning he was taking his time with each person.
(Side note: I was chatting up the person behind me because she was from Oregon as well. We both saw Clif, and she said she wanted a picture with him and asked if I could take it. I said of course and was trying to take a picture, but the phone’s camera was finicky and didn’t want to take a picture. Clif made fun of me for not knowing how to use the phone camera, and I was like, “Hey! This camera’s finicky!” It ended up working on Instagram’s camera, so it was all good.)
Okay, back to Jared. Again, like Jensen, it was so surreal to see him up close. It was my turn next, and the group in front of me was a large family, so they were taking their time, which as said before, made me even more nervous because I was so antsy. When I finally got up there, I was like, “Hi Jared!” and he said hi and smiled back. I then went on to saying something like, “I just wanted to say how amazing I think you are. I’m an honors engineering student, and it gets really overwhelming for me a lot, and I just wanted to say thank you to you, the show, and the campaign for bringing me happiness and helping me believe in myself.” Jared just put his hand up to his heart and said, “Thank you so much.” and went to give me a high-five. He looked so sincere and so grateful and kept staring at me with those eyes of his. I was like, “Okay, I’m gonna go before I start crying.” but he was like, “No, don’t!” But then he goes on to say, “I am so proud of you. Keep fighting.” There it is. I said, “Thanks so much.” and walked away, more like ran away and started crying into my friend’s arms. It meant so much to me those words. It made me so happy to have someone you care about and admire so much to say they are proud of you. It was so wonderful. I’ll always keep those words close to my heart.
This is the picture my friend took after I finished crying with my photo-op:
Again, it could have gone so much better. I’m kicking myself because I didn’t say everything I should have said, but this experience was such a large if not the biggest highlight of my life and will help keep me moving forward. At least until the next con!
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и я переведу кратенько всю ту простыню что написал этот молодой человек.
читать дальшеОн очень большой поклонник Джеев, ведет активную социальную жизнь и мониторит перемещение Джеев. И он очень ждал этот кон. Он три года готовился ко встречи с ними. Хотел что бы Джеи обнялись и он обнял их. В очереди на фотоопы он сильно разволновался и когда он их увидел он был в большом восхищении: "Вау! Неужели это в самом деле они! Они так хорошо выглядят!"
Когда наконец-то подошла его очередь Джеи ему сказали: "Привет!" А Джаред протянул руку для рукопожатия и у него оказалась такая большая рука по сравнению с рукой этого парня. ОН так долго мечтал о встречи с ними. Они так сильно изменили его жизнь, что парень растерялся и не мог вымолвить ни слова, а когда наконец-то стал говорить, то получилось не внятное заикание и Дженсен его совсем не понял. А он стоял и думал:" Господи , теперь Дженсен думает что я дебил" И чуть не расплакался, но Дженсен сказал ему:" Иди сюда" и обнял.А бедный парень прижался головой к груди и Дженсена и их обнял Джаред. А кто-то в очередли даже ахнул от этого фото. Потом он сказал "Спасибо" и когда вышел и осознал что сейчас произошло, то сполз по стеночке так как ноги совсем не держали его.
Пока он 5 часов ждал автографы он все думал что фото наверное не удалось и был очень расстроен и даже плакал. Куча девчонок успокаивала его. Когда он получил это фото, то реальность оказалась намного лучше. И он с нетерпением пошел на автографы. Он хотел сказать ребятам как много они значат для него и вдохновляют его.
Он был практически последним на автограф к Дженсену и Дженсен был заметно уставшим. Красивым и уставшим. Дженсен молча подписал его фото и не взглянул на него. Тогда он решился сказать: "Привет Дженсен. Я хотел бы поблагодарить тебя, за то что ты являешься образцом для подражания для меня!" Тут Дженсен поднял свои глаза и бедный парень просто забыл все напрочь. Единственное что он смог выговорить: "Спасибо" И вроде бы повторил это четыре раза глядя вниз на Дженсена: "Спасибо за личный пример" Дженсен слегка улыбнулся и ответил: "Вам спасибо" и постучал по столу. В общем, парень ушел воодушевленным.
По рассказам других, он знал что Джаред на своих автографах разговаривает с каждым и очередь на автографы к нему двигалась медленнее. Впереди него стояла целая семья и они тоже побеседовали с Джаредом, а бедный парень опять разнервничался. Но подошла очередь и он сказал: "Привет Джаред!" Джаред ответил: "Привет" "Я студент инженерного факультета и хотел поблагодарить вас за сериал, он так много значит для меня и делает меня счастливым и помогает поверить в себя" Джаред ответил: "Спасибо" и пошел его обнимать. И выглядел таким искренним и смотрел такими глазами. Тогда парень сказал:" Я сейчас заплачу! Джаред воскликнул:" Нет, не надо! Я так горжусь тобой! Продолжай бороться!" Парень ответил:" спасибо" и ушел , вернее убежал и заплакал.
Он бедный переживает, что не сказал все то что хотел им сказать из-за своего волнения. НО теперь он может это сказать на следующем коне.
более подробно на англ.Okay, here we go. (I am going to be a wreck typing this.)
I’m going to say this upfront. If meeting Felicia made me nervous and panicky, meeting J2 was 1049567 times worse, so my experience was not the fairytale version I played in my head of meeting J2, but it was still the most life-changing experience to ever happen to me.
I had debated long and hard what I wanted to do for my photo-op. I had played out scenarios in my head for 3 long years, but there was one thing I wanted to do. I just wanted to hug them and put as much love into it as possible for these two who changed my life so much. My plan was to ask Jared to hug Jensen from behind, and I would hug them both from Jensen’s front. I didn’t want to choose just one of them to hug because that’s so sad! I can’t choose! That’s the worst decision to ever make!
I was standing in the line, and the nerves again start taking over. I mean, this is J2, how does one act naturally themselves? When I first saw them, I was in such awe, I was like, “Oh my gosh. It’s actually them, and wow they look so good.” (I was having a mini party inside because I saw what J2 were wearing during the Gold panel, and I was like, “Jensen better be wearing that jacket in my photo-op. It looks amazing on him.” Bless the gods and heavens, he was.) So my turn starts coming up, and I was preparing to say what I wanted.
The group in front of me were kind of lingering, so I was getting super antsy, which made me even more nervous than I could have been. I didn’t want to be that person that held up the photo-op line. I just wanted to go in, take the photo, and then go without taking any more of their time since I would see them in autographs anyways. So I walked up, and they both greeted me, “Hi!” and Jared reached out to shake my hand. (Wow! His hand was so huge compared to mine.) It was such an overwhelming feeling of just standing there with not only one, but TWO people who have made such an influence over you, so I was just staring back and forth between the two that I almost got whiplash. I just said upfront what I wanted, but oh no no no, let me say it with a huge stutter and super fast that no human possible can understand. Once I finished, I was looking at Jensen who looked really confused, and it was killing me on the inside like, “Oh my gosh. Jensen thinks I’m crazy. He doesn’t understand me. I’m gonna cry. This is not how I wanted it to be.” Jensen went to go for the hug, but Jared was just like, “No no no! I’m behind you like this.” Bless his heart. Jared knew exactly what I meant by it and went to go hug Jensen from behind while I finally went in for the hug and wrapped my arms around both of them with my head laying on Jensen’s head (which I didn’t even realize until I saw the photo. I was just so out of it). They were such an armful, and I could barely wrap my arms around Jared. It was literal bless. I could feel Jensen’s arms coming around me, and there were so big and enveloping. I also remember someone going “awww” in the line behind me, which is also super embarrassing. I left saying “Thank you so much!” and just walked back to my friends without much reaction until it hit me with what actually happened. I felt my legs shaking, and I basically fell against the wall and wanted to collapse. Someone next to us also said “awww,” so super embarrassing times two.
I was actually pretty upset throughout the day just thinking about how much better the photo-op could have went and how I could have prepared for it. I was just thinking, “Jensen is probably not even smiling. It’s probably so awkward.” It came time to pick it up, and when I saw it, it was a complete 180. It was so perfect. It was what I was hoping it would look. I also didn’t look as foolish compared to my face in Felicia’s photo-op, so thank goodness. I loved everything about it. Jensen has a smile that could light galaxies, and Jared’s face is probably my most favorite thing about this photo. They looked so good, and it was just amazing and great. I was so happy. I’m also half-kicking myself because I should have worded it where Jared would hug me as well as I did with him, but now I have Jared hugging Jensen to forever stare at, so still a win-win.
Now comes autographs! It was getting late in the night, and my friends and I had a long 5-hour drive back home. With that in mind, we were just sitting in the back waiting for my number to be called trying to figure everything out. Along with that, I haven’t really decided what I wanted to say to J2, so in my head, I started thinking about saying to them how much they meant to me and how much they inspire me. Thinking about this, I started tearing up. What do you say to the two people in the world that mean so much to you? That you literally have kept up to date and blogged and made edits in everything from Supernatural to panels to social media. Here we go. I said to my friend, “I am going to start crying.” She was like, “No no no! Don’t cry!” Too late. I start crying. I was so overwhelmed. How do I put into words what I want to say? These two mean so much to me (I feel like I typed this phrase 20 times already. It’s true though.). I finally sobered up from telling my friend to try to change the subject, so I’m not dwelling on it and start crying again.
(I just want to thank cracksmyshitup aka kansastexas aka thebreakfastpanel, jensenwuvzhugz, and lipglosskaz for helping me on twitter through my emotional breakdown.)
At last! It was my turn for Jensen’s autograph. I was standing in line just going, “Okay, just say how much of a role model he is to you and what a wonderful human being he is.” I was like one of the last autographs for the night. I finally reached backstage where he was signing autographs. It was so surreal seeing him just up close. He looked visibly tired, at least in my opinion. Beautiful, but tired. He looked like he was itching to go, and I’m sure he was. He’s been here for a while, has work tomorrow, and just finishing the last batch of autographs. I would want to speed them up too. Everyone was just putting their item down to get signed and just saying their hellos and goodbyes, but I wanted to say more. It was finally my turn, and he hasn’t looked up at me yet. He was just signing my photo-op. I start saying, “Hi Jensen. I just wanted to thank you so much for being a role model to me.” He then looks up, and then I stare at his eyes, and I forgot what language and communication is. I lose my train of thought of what I wanted to say, but the only phrase that could come out of mouth was, “Thank you.” I probably said that like 4 times just over and over again. I finally had to look down from staring at him and was like, “Sorry. Just trying to get my words together.” I was like, “Just… thanks so much for being a role model.” He then slightly smiled and said, “Thank you so much.” and tapped the table and looked so appreciative. I walked away just thinking how many ways that could have gone better. Neither happy or sad. Just wow. I could have done that in 5000484 better ways, but I was happy I was able to thank him for being a role model to me.
Lastly, Jared’s autograph. I knew in my head that Jared was gonna be the more personable one of J2 just from reading other people’s experiences and from just watching how slow the turnover rate of Jared’s autograph was, meaning he was taking his time with each person.
(Side note: I was chatting up the person behind me because she was from Oregon as well. We both saw Clif, and she said she wanted a picture with him and asked if I could take it. I said of course and was trying to take a picture, but the phone’s camera was finicky and didn’t want to take a picture. Clif made fun of me for not knowing how to use the phone camera, and I was like, “Hey! This camera’s finicky!” It ended up working on Instagram’s camera, so it was all good.)
Okay, back to Jared. Again, like Jensen, it was so surreal to see him up close. It was my turn next, and the group in front of me was a large family, so they were taking their time, which as said before, made me even more nervous because I was so antsy. When I finally got up there, I was like, “Hi Jared!” and he said hi and smiled back. I then went on to saying something like, “I just wanted to say how amazing I think you are. I’m an honors engineering student, and it gets really overwhelming for me a lot, and I just wanted to say thank you to you, the show, and the campaign for bringing me happiness and helping me believe in myself.” Jared just put his hand up to his heart and said, “Thank you so much.” and went to give me a high-five. He looked so sincere and so grateful and kept staring at me with those eyes of his. I was like, “Okay, I’m gonna go before I start crying.” but he was like, “No, don’t!” But then he goes on to say, “I am so proud of you. Keep fighting.” There it is. I said, “Thanks so much.” and walked away, more like ran away and started crying into my friend’s arms. It meant so much to me those words. It made me so happy to have someone you care about and admire so much to say they are proud of you. It was so wonderful. I’ll always keep those words close to my heart.
This is the picture my friend took after I finished crying with my photo-op:
Again, it could have gone so much better. I’m kicking myself because I didn’t say everything I should have said, but this experience was such a large if not the biggest highlight of my life and will help keep me moving forward. At least until the next con!