I’ve been on tumblr for over 18 months now but I’ve never actually posted a follow forever!!! I was gonna post one back in October when I hit 10k but I decided to do it closer to Christmas I just want to say a big thank you to each and every one of you listed in this post for making my dash brighter and for being so amazing!!! Tumblr wouldn’t be the same without you :3 I wish you happy holidays and may 2015 bring you everything you desire Much love to all ヽ(^◇^*)/a-ba-jedi-assbutt-in-starbucks a-pada-moose addictedtosamndean addictinneedofafix addictsam alcoholicsammy allforsammy angel-moose-pie antiquers army-men-and-legos armydean asksamstuff askteamfreewill autumnsammy awincestblog bloodysams boykingofthedamned brokenjensen brotherlyfeels brotherlykisses brothwinchester buticancarryyouc-dcaroldancers carryonspn cassammydean charlie-bradbury-winchester charliewinchester cptnromanova crackmyshitup croatoansammy cuddlersammy cuddlyackles cumslutjensen cutiegabriel dadsleatherjacket damonsalvatohre dancewithmejensen darkmeansdisco darlingjared dean-hugs-sammy deansdamnation deanverse deanwcaps deanwinchestergifs demondetoxmanual dresslikedanneel dresslikegenevieve ductapeandsafetypinse-helectricmonk333 endingcas evilangel84 ezekestiel frostalecki frostynovaks fuckedsam gonewiththeink grandpacain green-circles grievinghunters hallowedbecastiel hannilie-queen happyjared heeypadalecki honeysweetsam hopefulsam hunter-dany hvnterdeani-licarusthesupernaturalpig ilovethemoose imperfectcas impossiblycastiel impurecas itsajensenthing itsmycroft ivorycas jaredbottoms jaredchester jaredgrrl jaredpadaleckidaily jaredperfectpadalecki jarpadackle jaywinterleckis jensengifsdaily jensenwuvzhugz journal-of-a-man-of-letters kansaskissedlips kevstielkisses kingswinchester ladyroche lemondropsonice lipglosskaz lookingoutformybrotherm-qmarsailor megscastiel merryxmassammy mickehy milavish missingruby moondoorqueen moondorqueen mooseleys mychmicaltardis novakly ofboykings outstandingimpala padagen padaleckhi paintedfreckles patchworkgirlfriend perfectopposite petite-madame plaiding podalecki purgatorypie queendanneelackles queenrowena queerprophets rednikjow rednosedrobin roswormsssamanddeaninpanties samcest samiferal samifeur sammichgirl sammyhale sammyletmego sammysalive sammyscreencaps sammyssoul sansaspuppysastiells saviorsamuel sce-to-aux secretlytodream sethgcko sevendeanlysins shiningsammy skiestiel spncapsdaily spnlittlebro spnseestra stockingjensen supernaturalapocalypse supernaturaldaily supernaturalimagine supernaturalwiki sweetondean sweetwincestt-ztipsysam travellerintime undonesam waitingforthesong wantedwinchesters waywardsonsofanarchy wellcometothedarkside wendigo wincestscreencaps winchesterlegacies wolfalecki worriedsam wreckingcas yaelstiel zest-wincest*I hope I haven’t forgotten anyone!* ♥ Thank you so much and Happy Holidays to you too ♥" src="38.media.tumblr.com/20703b8d5e8dfa4b5c6ecbd1859...">