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Another thought about something few people are discussing right now: everyone in the audience has the right to feel uncomfortable when shipping questions are brought up. It’s more than Jensen not wanting questions like that. THE AUDIENCE DID NOT WANT QUESTIONS LIKE THAT.
Let’s be honest with ourselves, despite “shipping" technically involving het pairings, 99% of it in Supernatural is between male characters. Shipping is understood in the Supernatural fandom to pretty much be a euphemism for slash, and slash is by definition a sexual/romantic relationship between same-sex characters. It comes from K/S, or Kirk with Spock. Talking about Dean’s sexuality changing over time? That’s a reference to slash. Dean slash Cas, Dean slash Sam, Dean slash that guy in the uniform in Time after Time. MANY OF US DO NOT WANT PEOPLE TO BRING UP SHIPPING TO THE ACTORS DURING CONVENTIONS. (And should there be someone who wanted to ask the actors about shipping with a female character, that applies to them too.)
This isn’t new. People know this.
This isn’t a free pass to be rude. But groans of disapproval, which is what I heard in the video, is not the same as booing someone. And the means by which a group of people expresses a strong reaction to what an individual is saying is by making sounds.
Jensen has made it clear for a long time that they (Jared and Jensen) are uncomfortable with people asking questions about shipping at conventions.
Many fans have made it clear for a long time that they are uncomfortable with people asking questions about shipping at conventions.
Questions about Dean’s sexuality are part of the larger dialogue about shipping.
If you ask a question about shipping or Dean’s possible bisexuality during a convention, be prepared for a number of people around you to not be happy with you about it, and accept that you’ll have to deal with the reaction.
If the people making the show want Dean to be bisexual, we’ll see it on the show.
If they want him to hook up with Cas, we’ll see it on the show. If they don’t, we won’t see it on the show.
Allow romantic/sexual pairings be depicted or not, on the actual show. Supernatural is not a soap opera about the love lives of Sam, Dean and Cas. It’s about other things.
The romantic and sexual lives of the characters on this show are things the fans develop. For us. By us.
^That? That is a dividing line. Let me fill in the picture a bit more.
Actors/writers/showrunners/producers/crew/convention events
Remember, Tumblr is not the real world. Yes, we need to keep our voices heard. Yes, they need to know we’re ready—SO ready—for a show like Supernatural to expand beyond hetero-only for its lead characters.
But it doesn’t mean that this show is ready to go there. Or that it has to. And at this point, with all the shit we’re putting everyone through, if there was ever a ghost of chance they would take things even a step in that direction at all, that’s gone now." src="24.media.tumblr.com/5d00311336147aeae9ca6778fb5...">