Bad Experience at NJ Con
Guess who’s leaving the con early because she was treated like trash? This girl! Literally packing my bags as I take a moment to blog. I don’t really go online anymore but my friends were like “Post this on tumblr!” So I’m just going to explain what has happened at this convention.
I had a question prepared literally for months asking Jensen if he would ever do an “It Gets Better” video for this online project because I am a first year college student and I am part of an LGBT group that has been creating these types of videos and using them to spread awareness on our campus. I was told I could not ask Jensen my question and I thought the problem was me asking him to make a video for us and I explained that’s not what I meant. I just wanted to know if he would be supportive of ever doing that a video at any time to support gay rights and I was told very rudely that I couldn’t ask any question about that.
It was so rude I actually started crying. I drove 12 hours to attend this convention and I thought it would be the best weekend ever but it’s the worst!
There is also more that happened but I can’t get into it all but on Saturday some friends and I wore “Team Wincest” shirts and we got a lot of ugly stares and we even got into a confrontation with some old later (in her 40s) who became belligerent to my best friend.
Worst convention experience ever!