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Brian Buckley Band
Here is the YouTube link.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbLXI_Los-8 …#BBBiamhumanvideo ENJOY!!!!
Here is the YouTube link for the new video.... We sincerely hope you enjoy... Comment and share if you so... http://fb.me/1Bj4pgO7L
@jarpad @SarahSarahWils @MikeMcGuitar @drumhead9 @CORDOVAnatalia You are what I like to call... 'the best of us'.... Love you.
I Am Human is trending worldwide!! Thank you all for the love and support!!! pic.twitter.com/VCCd354j http://fb.me/1turlC84Q
Thank u ALL for such amazing comments--it lifts our spirits N is our inspiration. Because of y'all we are trending. #BBBiamhumanvideo
Natalia Cordova @CORDOVAnatalia
280 views in 9 mins! you are all just WONDERFUL!!! We on the BBB team are in awe of your love and support!!! THANK YOU!
I Am Human is trending! @followBBB @CORDOVAnatalia @MikeMcGuitar http://lockerz.com/s/235686506 ” WE did it you all! THANK YOU!!!
I Am Human is trending worldwide people! http://lockerz.com/s/235686506 . WE did it you all! THANK YOU!!! What a great day!
Jason Manns @jasonmanns
Congrats to @followBBB on a great song, and a great video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbLXI_Los-8 … (though I do mourn the loss of a great beard.)
Jared Padalecki @jarpad
“@followBBB: Here is the YouTube link for the new video.... hope you enjoy... Comment and share!! http://fb.me/1Bj4pgO7L ” y'all are amazing!!!
I love you guys. So so very much! You're constant love and support is OUTSTANDING!!!
Nicole Tubiola @NicoleTubiola
Awesome music vid of @followBBB song #IAmHuman feat. @jarpad and his beauty of a wife! I love it! http://fb.me/1Bj4pgO7L @CORDOVAnatalia
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